Tuesday, June 21, 2011

FTA K2/Broad Peak 2011 - In Goro II today and on to Broad Peak BC tomorrow!

from stu in the usa office,
21 June 2011

Urdukas camp with the Trango Towers behind © stu remensnyder

Chris has called in from Goro II and left a great audio disapatch below. In it he shares the latest news from the K2/Broad Peak team. They had a great day trekking in from Urdukas and enjoyed a warm (25°C) day with superb views of Gasherbrum IV, Gasherbrum II, Broad Peak and Masherbrum!

River crossing near Goro II © stu remensnyder

In a normal year our team would tromp on up to the famed Concordia camp site and then take a short walk the next morning to Broad Peak BC. For the first time that i know of there is insufficient snow in Concordia and the team will be skipping this campsite on their way to Broad Peak base camp. By the end of last season the snow loss was dramatically greater than in typical years. This was due in large part to the conditions that caused the horrific flooding across great swathes of Pakistan. It remains to be seen how this will play out on the 8000m peaks in the Karakoram and potentially may mean icier or rockier conditions on Broad Peak and K2.

View to Broad Peak from Concordia © stu remensnyder

have a listen in below to Chris's dispatch from Goro II!

We have already had a lot of emails for climbers interested in 8000m peaks for next season including Broad Peak, Gasherbrum II & Gasherbrum I,  Nanga Parbat & K2 for next summer so we expect to have quit a few of these climbs going! 

Spantik will be running in August and we do still have some spaces available and can accept new members til the middle of July. No better first 7000m peak that we know of as it is a full expedition and includes fixed line climbing, roped team climbing, a remote setting and a stunning 8km summit ridge!

Trekking to K2 BC is something that everyone should add to a lifetime list of great places to visit. We have a departure slated for August 1 each year and welcome avid trekkers and climbers!

If you are interested in joining us for a great trip to Pakistan drop us a note at "info@fieldtouring.com" and we'll send you all the info!

For more information on all trips please visit our site  www.fieldtouringalpine.com

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