Sunday, December 26, 2010

FTA Aconcagua Dec Falso - Summits!

from stu in the usa office
Dec 26, 2010
We have just had word in from Ben at Plaza de Mulas that the team has returned successfully from the summit and a complete traverse of the mountain! We'll look forward to more news soon!!
here is Ben's note:

Hey Stu from Plaza de Mulas,

We summited yesterday, Christmas Day at 2:40pm. The weather was extrodinary, so warm and not a breath of air. We hike out to Horcones tomorrow, have a quick shower at Penitentes and then straight to Mendoza for a great meal at Facundos, which we've all been anticipating.

I'll send a more detailed disatch tommorrow including pictures. Totally amazing climb and everyone is stoked to have reached the top.

Talk soon.

Ben from Plaza de Mulas!

Baby Beef at Facundo's is not to be missed!


JackieK said...

Congratulations Ben & team for your traverse of Aconcagua and for topping the summit on Christmas Day 2010. Best wishes your family & friends in Oz.

Nicole said...

Congratulations guys!!! Outstanding effort ... looking forward to seeing the pics. Enjoy your well-deserved refuelling stop. :) xxx